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Re: New TLC Mindstorms survey
Wed, 23 Jun 2004 20:18:57 GMT
4122 times
For most Windows users it is extremely easy to set up Cygwin & brickOS (as well
as pbForth and leJOS) using the pre-built installers I created.

John Hansen

OK, I retract my previous bitch -- your installers work like a charm!  How did I
miss them?  Wonderful!

Are there hints anywhere for setting up the compiler tab options?  I got the C++
to work, but not leJOS. (I do have leJOS working fine using JCreator Pro).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New TLC Mindstorms survey
(...) For most Windows users it is extremely easy to set up Cygwin & brickOS (as well as pbForth and leJOS) using the pre-built installers I created. And who needs a graphical programming environment when you've got BricxCC? :-) John Hansen (URL) (21 years ago, 22-Jun-04, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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