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Re: A RCX 'Beacon'
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 15:54:54 GMT
Laurentino Martins <lmartins@marktest.*StopSpammers*pt>
569 times
At 16:07 29-07-1999 Thursday , Mario Ferrari wrote:
In lugnet.robotics, (Cwikla, Brian) writes:
Well, I'm not an expert when it comes to small electronics and making them,
so I thought I would post this question to this list.

After working with the RCX for nearly a year now, I've found a tool/sensor
that I would really like to have, but no idea how I could implement it.

Basically, it works like this.  It would involve a home-brew sensor and a
home-brew module.  The sensor would attach to the input port on the RCX.
The module can be placed anywhere and emits a pulse/beep/signal.  The sensor
on the RCX can pick up that pulse/beep/signal and be able to tell the
general direction it is coming from.  It would send a number from 0 - 360 to
the RCX to tell it in degrees what direction it is coming from and then
through programming in the RCX, it could adjust it's direction to go towards
that signal.

I know there could be factors like signal bouncing off of walls and giving
wrong impressions as to direction to the RCX and such....  but is something
like this possible?  Or is there currently any method that someone is using
to always navigate to a certain point/area?  Any help would be appreciated!

Brian, I share your dream. It's a great idea.

Surprisingly enough just this morning I wrote an email to Al Thiele asking for
the same thing. I'm obsessed by the problem of knowing the robot position. I
had some success experimenting odometry, but I still need a way to zero the
errors from time to time with an external reference point. I was wondering if
a sort of radio beacon like the ones the planes use would be possible. One (or
more) dedicated radio frequency (or IR) emitters, and one (or more)
directional receiver to put on your robot and connect to the RCX.

I'd love to get values in the 0-360 range that tells the direction. But I
could live with other simpler solutions too: the receiver returns a value
that's higher when it is pointed toward the emitter (so I can place it on a
rotating turret and detect the radio/IR beacon direction). With three beacons
you could implement a true GPS-like navigation system.

Once, when I had the time to think about it, I started an auto-correction algorithm based only in odometry and map matching.
The idea was to memorize a map and at each impact with a wall and try to find if that same area was already hit in the past (looking at the map), and adjust the heading/coordinates according with the old map.
This is a processor and memory intensive task and the PC was the way to go with my CyberMaster. Unfortunately, I never found the time to finish it.
Maybe one day...

I also would like to develop some kind process to determine the shape of an object.
The idea was to create some kind of antennae using the 3 CyberMaster touch sensors so I could find (for instants) at what angle the bot has hit a wall, to identify a chair leg or even if it is a corner of a wall.
If must be mechanically possible, but I must still find a way to do it.

Laurentino Martins

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Did you check the web site first?:

Message is in Reply To:
  A RCX 'Beacon'
Well, I'm not an expert when it comes to small electronics and making them, so I thought I would post this question to this list. After working with the RCX for nearly a year now, I've found a tool/sensor that I would really like to have, but no (...) (26 years ago, 29-Jul-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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