Re: How Many Mindstorms Have Been Sold? Or What's the Highest RCX Product Serial Number?
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 05:44:18 GMT
Scott Davis <[]nomorespam[]>
1295 times
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> > I have one that is 63XXXX
> > I'm not sure what the x's are since I don't have my robot stuff with me at
> > college, but I do know it starts with 63.
> > Scott
> both of my 1.0's are low numbers.
> i'm out of this list, but i don't know how someone could be at college
> without their RCX.
> mike
Well it boils down to 2 things, I don't have as much time to use them and
I'm limited on the amount of space I have to play with them on. Maybe next
year that will be something to bring when I have a bigger dorm room and a
year of college under my belt. Well at least when I go home for vacations,
I try to make up for the lost time while I'm away. I hope my rcx's don't
feel neglected.
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