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 Publishing / 4595
    Re: Attention all RSS geeks! —Jake McKee
   (...) I think you're right, at least in theory, that Atom is the better standard, simply because it's being designed from day one to be what it is meant to be. (Whereas the RSS format has sorta bounced around from concept to concept, then was (...) (21 years ago, 23-Aug-04, to lugnet.publish)
        Re: Attention all RSS geeks! —Kelly McKiernan
     (...) Same here. Good point about spec changes, Jake. I'd love to do a pro/con list of RSS/Atom, but I don't know enough yet, so I guess I'll have to research that some more. My main concern is using something that can be used by the maximum number (...) (21 years ago, 23-Aug-04, to lugnet.publish)
         Re: Attention all RSS geeks! —Dan Boger
     (...) Heh, the biggest political fight of recent techies. Used to be XML, but that has settled down considerably. I used to follow the fight, but got really tired of it... I did come the conclusion that Mark Pilgrim (of the Atom side) knows what (...) (21 years ago, 24-Aug-04, to lugnet.publish)
         Re: Attention all RSS geeks! —Larry Pieniazek
     In lugnet.publish, Dan Boger wrote: (a lot of very informative stuff that made my head spin a bit, although I now think I know which Dan favors which does carry some weight with me, Dan's often right, technically... ) So what's the net here? Does (...) (21 years ago, 24-Aug-04, to lugnet.publish)
         Re: Attention all RSS geeks! —Kelly McKiernan
     (...) That there are two methods on which we could base LENNI, and it's fairly apparent to me that one needs to be chosen over the other. Dual development is a hindrance in the long run. (...) Not this minute, but definitely soon. I think the next (...) (21 years ago, 24-Aug-04, to lugnet.publish)
        Re: Attention all RSS geeks! —Dan Boger
   (...) Well, as long as the content you're feeding it is pure ascii. For instance, getting LUGNET posts to be valid RSS was not as easy as I thought it would be. Making one for 1000stein would be even harder. Dealing with charsets, embedded images (...) (21 years ago, 23-Aug-04, to lugnet.publish)
        Re: Attention all RSS geeks! —René Hoffmeister
   (...) As for charsets, AFAIK ISO-8859-1 covers 17 languages, including English, German, Dutch and French. Nevertheless, every news publisher should try to keep his data within this charset when working with LENNI. I.e. I have to be aware of some (...) (21 years ago, 24-Aug-04, to lugnet.publish)
        Re: Attention all RSS geeks! —Dan Boger
   (...) I'd say just follow the spec (either RSS or Atom) as far as specifying in the feed what the charset is. (21 years ago, 24-Aug-04, to lugnet.publish)

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