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Re: // and ** vs {} and [] (was: testing in rtl...)
lugnet.publish, lugnet.admin.nntp
Tue, 3 Jun 2003 17:43:06 GMT
5905 times
"Todd Lehman" <> writes:
In lugnet.publish, William R. Ward wrote:
What NNTP server do you use?  I was under the impression that it was
written in Perl itself.


I see.  With extensive modifications, I assume?

I'm sure there's a way to link to CNews but that could be
unweildy to say the least.

How about a different interpretation |-| |//| and |**| (and don't forget
|__| for underlining) might not be interpreted the same as the |{}| and
|[]| of FTX, but would be interpreted like this:

| s% (\W) (_\w.+\w_)   (\W) %$1<u>$2</u>$3%xg;
| s% (\W) (\*\w.+\w\*) (\W) %$1<b>$2</b>$3%xg;
| s% (\W) (/\w.+\w/)   (\W) %$1<i>$2</i>$3%xg;

Note that since the |__|, |**|, and |//| are inside the parens, and
therefore inside |$2|, they will be printed but the markup will be

Doesn't that look a bit redundant?

{/italics/} and [*boldface*]

Sorry I can't view the FTX results of that on my browser.  But I
assume that's right.

What do underlined underlines look like?  Like this?--

_\_N\__ew _\_E\__ngland _\_L\__EGO _\_U\__sers _\_G\__roup

I don't know what \_ does in FTX so I can't comment on that.  But if
you had _underline_ it is equivalent to the HTML "<u>_underline_</u>".

Not sure how either any of those are an improvement.

The improvement is that you get the effect of bold/italic/underline
without risking loss of data due to mis-parsing.


William R Ward  
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by
little statesmen and philosophers and divines."        - Emerson

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: // and ** vs {} and [] (was: testing in rtl...)
(...) CNews. (...) Doesn't that look a bit redundant? /italics/ and *boldface* What do underlined underlines look like? Like this?-- _N_ew _E_ngland _L_EGO _U_sers _G_roup Not sure how either any of those are an improvement. --Todd (22 years ago, 3-Jun-03, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.admin.nntp, FTX)

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