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Re: New e-mail address for Frank Filz
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:53:43 GMT
2661 times
In lugnet.people, Frank Filz wrote:

I've been using Earthlink's web mail to clear out the crud before trying
to download e-mail. My new e-mail so far is staying clean.

Interesting approach.

I use Outlook and Cloudmark SpamNet ( to filter spam.
It does a pretty good job, getting about 95% of offending messages that come in.
But, when I have to download hundreds of spam messages at a time, its still a

I am thinking of simply changing my email address, and routing most email
traffic (except on critical online accounts or mail lists) through the old
address. They will receive an autoreply with the address formatted as such:

tim dot(.) courtney at(@) zacktron dot(.) com

so the individual will have to piece it together, and so a machine can't. A
minor inconvenience for the first time someone writes me at the old address, but
if they're smart they'll update address books to reflect the new one.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New e-mail address for Frank Filz
(...) I've been using Earthlink's web mail to clear out the crud before trying to download e-mail. My new e-mail so far is staying clean. I am palnning on trying to keep the new address of the web. Of course one problem is that some of the viruses (...) (21 years ago, 22-Sep-03, to lugnet.people)

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