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Re: entertaining spectators -- trash talk
Sat, 26 Jan 2002 03:56:55 GMT
1115 times
In, Chris Magno writes:
that's what you must have done when you coded your block stacker,  if I
recall it was you who showed up all forlorn and depressed crying that
his RCX was broken.  Geesh, It was ME who "fixed" your "broken" rcx by
flashing new firmware into it.  it wasn't hard.  why did you not think
of it, Mr. great programmer???

Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris…Confused as always…I won block stackers
(remember a 9 block stack vs your 1 or 2 block stack)…Your thinking of that
insignificant ‘get your blocks off off my side’ contest.  I think Dave 'won'
that one but, really...who cares.

I don't seem to recall you winning anything...better get used to it!

(Clearly, I don't need any friends)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: entertaining spectators -- trash talk
!!!GAME ON!!! (...) that's what you must have done when you coded your block stacker, if I recall it was you who showed up all forlorn and depressed crying that his RCX was broken. Geesh, It was ME who "fixed" your "broken" rcx by flashing new (...) (23 years ago, 25-Jan-02, to

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