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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 1889
1888  |  1890
Re: 30 posts away?
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 17:29:10 GMT
31 times
In, Joe Franco writes:
whats this 30 posts away messages that i see?

Those wacky Canucks in rtlToronto have been playing this game whereby they are
determined to surpass the message traffic in the leading (by message count) US
LUG newsgroup ... namely, NELUG's.

At the time this message was posted, rtlToronto was only 30 posts behind NELUG.
Refer also to the post from two or three weeks ago, in which the
100-post-defecit mark was passed.

Of course, as I always like to point out to them, they have to struggle against
a 30% imbalance in posts ... so their 1888 posts are actually only equal to
about 1320 American posts.

Keep up the effort north of the border, though ;)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 30 posts away?
(...) Actually, it's no one in rtlToronto really, it's Richard doing his own thing, for whatever stupid reasons. On behalf of rtlToronto as an organization, I apologize, it's not us in any formal capacity. I've already privately apologized to Eric (...) (23 years ago, 31-Jul-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  30 posts away?
whats this 30 posts away messages that i see? (23 years ago, 31-Jul-01, to

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