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Re: GBC does nothing for me
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Sun, 27 Feb 2005 15:18:49 GMT
3194 times
How about starting with something simpler?  Say use the blocks from our
block stacking events?  Right of the top you would have large and small,
black and white, giving four different items to sort, (more colours can be
added later.)  The advantage would be: you would have known sizes of items
coming through the system, it might make intial feeder designs easier.
Other option would be to add balls to the mix, giving more variety to sort.

Play Well

"Geoffrey Hyde" <> wrote in message

"Calum Tsang" <> wrote in message

One of the projects I think Rob Stehlik, Iain Hendry and I were
interested in is
"manufacturing" or "Assembly", ie a giant version of DuckPro.  It's been • <snip>

One thing I am interested in is building and designing a robot or a
electrically driven mechanism that can sort the different sizes of bricks
from each other.  Sound simple?  Not really, if you want to dump unsorted
bricks into a hopper and then have them feed to something that does the
measuring and sorting of them.  It probably would be good if I can get
some rotation sensors, and figure out a way for the sorting mechanism to
determine brick size, but the big problem I have at the moment is coming
up with an input hopper assembly that can't get jammed up.


Ideally, it should even be able to handle bricks that have been snapped
together, but that would probably be beyond the capabilities of LEGO grip
power to pull apart.  It might be able to pull apart loosely gripping
bricks - I'm not sure, but I'm pretty certain it wouldn't be able to
disassemble bricks firmly stacked together without some help.

Cheers ...

Geoffrey Hyde

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: GBC does nothing for me
"Oliver" <> wrote in message (...) It needs this functionality, so one can simply worry about having one input hopper and letting the machine work out what it needs from that. It would also be (...) (20 years ago, 28-Feb-05, to, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: GBC does nothing for me
"Calum Tsang" <> wrote in message (...) One thing I am interested in is building and designing a robot or a electrically driven mechanism that can sort the different sizes of bricks from each (...) (20 years ago, 27-Feb-05, to, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

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