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Re: Passed last exam - call me MCSE
Wed, 5 Jan 2000 15:29:10 GMT
280 times
Congrats (late, I know).  Funnily enuf, this is about the time that mine's
expiring and I'm trying to decide if I should head off & start on the Win2K
track or just bag it all and (try to) become a Linux "expert"

-Steven  "Nothin' But Net!"

"Mike Stanley" <> wrote ...
Well, I did it.  Now I'm going to enjoy a few days off then start

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Passed last exam - call me MCSE
(...) Hrmmm - are you 3.51 certified or something? If not, your NT4 MCSE will be perfectly valid until ... December 31, 2001 according to M$'s cert page. I'll be taking the accelerated route to the 2000 MCSE, which will involve me passing 70-240: (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jan-00, to

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  Passed last exam - call me MCSE
Well, I did it. Now I'm going to enjoy a few days off then start working on my resume and probably spend a few days at work while everyone else is gone so I can get some quality work done on my new servers and workstations. Wondering when my (...) (25 years ago, 23-Dec-99, to

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