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Re: What´s new at ?
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 19:35:37 GMT
1032 times
Eric Kingsley wrote:
It's kinda like the ubiquitous software developer's in-joke:
If it compiles, ship it immediately!
All kidding aside your statement is more true that most people would believe or
like to admit depending on which side of the fence you sit.

Not really related, but I had this dream once...

Once upon a time, Microsoft decided to ride the Open Source bandwagon for all
it was worth, and released the full source code for Windows NT to the general
public.  The press went ecstatic.  Microsoft shares climbed quite a bit for a

It wasn't such good news for developers, however -- the build process was
mired by the brain-dead BUILD.EXE the Microsoft DDK uses, you couldn't build
the whole thing at once, different components expected different versions of
MSDEV, depencencies were left as an exercise to the reader, etc...

After a long long long long long time, someone eventually re-built the whole
thing, and booted into it...

...and it wasn't the same Windows NT.  Networking didn't, services couldn't,
the registry wouldn't, many pieces were obviously different if not broken,

Among the results:  MS's IIS servers crashed from the Slashdot effect,
Microsoft stock fell 78%, Barnes & Noble sold all their copies of _Writing
UNIX Servers for Luddite Grandmothers_ in a single day, etc.

Then I woke up and realized that except for the "general public" part and the
spot where MS stock took a nose-dive, it had all happened in real life.  Oh,
well.  It was still a fun dream.

- jsproat

Jeremy H. Sproat <> ~~~
Jeremy: "Hi, my name is Jeremy Sproat, and I'm a...Slashdot Lemming."
All:    "Hi, Jeremy."

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What´s new at ?
<snip> (...) You mean I have been under the mistaken assumption that my programs work as long as they compile! OOPs.... All kidding aside your statement is more true that most people would believe or like to admit depending on which side of the (...) (25 years ago, 20-Oct-99, to

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