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 Off-Topic / Debate / 2938
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Re: Best selection of parts to mess around with
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 04:24:57 GMT
504 times
[1] Although I just heard that on Chicago Hope last night somebody • actually
said sh*t.  Can the F bomb be far away?  Not that I really care because I
don't watch TV nor do I let my kids (as if they had time to)
The "F bomb" has arrived many times already... I hear F*ck and D*mn and B*tch
and B*stard on the Simpsons all the time....

Jameson Robert Gagnepain
ICQ# 17714608

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Best selection of parts to mess around with
(...) You don't watch TV, but you hear these words on the Simpsons "all the time"? That's a neat trick! On which episode has the F word been used? I'm pretty sure I've seen them all, and I've never heard that. Dave! (25 years ago, 23-Dec-99, to
  Re: Best selection of parts to mess around with
(...) ITYM South Park. Jasper (25 years ago, 25-Dec-99, to

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  Re: Best selection of parts to mess around with
<snip> (...) actually (...) Just what is wrong with those words? They are only "bad" because we think they are. It's just a self fufilling phrophecy(1) I mean they are very general purpose words, and unless used to intentionally insult someone they (...) (25 years ago, 18-Oct-99, to

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