Re: I think the 1st Ammendment was broken
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 00:26:09 GMT
452 times
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In, David Koudys wrote:
In, John Neal wrote:
In, David Koudys wrote:
In, John Neal wrote:
In, David Koudys wrote:
Telling a country that they cant have a weapons program??
UN res 1441, among others.
Telling Iraq that
they couldnt have a weapons progam was *not* the reason for this fiasco.
Actually, I think that is precisely the reason.
No, the WoMD was--there was nothing in the res. that said that Iraqis
couldnt have, say, a factory producing bullets and rifles and such--thats
a weapons program...
and such, such as ballistic missiles (Scuds)?
To deny a country the right to defend itself is just ludicrous.
If defense is the actual intent. Iraq was an aggressor, and to
characterize it, especially with SH at the helm, as anything but is just
Yeah, I seem to recall an arms buildup in aggressive Iraq to go invade the
US... oh wait, it was the opposite.
No, it was Iraq invading Iran AND Kuwait. Busy, busy.
Iraq wasnt agressive at all--it was the US agressiveness--politically,
economically, and militarity--agressive on all fronts--ramming this war thru
no matter the cost or the consequences.
What is the cost? Didnt cost you a thing. We paid for it, and gladly so.
The price for freedom was relatively cheap IMO. Consequences? Millions have
been liberated? You have a problem with that?
Deal with it. Deal with your lying president. Deal with the unjustified US
agression. Deal with *every* reason given for this war to turn out to be
based on fallacy and lies. Deal with the ineptitude of the CIA and the FBI.
Deal with the removal of Constitutional rights in the name of security.
Deal with the idea that you have created more enemies than you got rid of--SH
may be in hiding and/or dead, but it turns out that the religious zealots
want control of the newly freed Iraq, and, further with this issue are the
new generations of Middle Easterners who now have yet one more reason to
dislike, maybe even hate the US.
Deal with the fact that an evil dictator who was in control of one of the
largest armies in the world is now deposed and 10,000,000s of people are
liberated from his tyranny. The greater good has been served here, and history
will look favorably upon this action.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: I think the 1st Ammendment was broken
| In, John Neal wrote: <snip> (...) You're going to bring up something that happened in "the last millenium"? And didn't Dubya's Pappy, with the world backing him up, mind you, take care of that? And did 'aggrassive' Iraq do (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jun-03, to, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: I think the 1st Ammendment was broken
| (...) Yeah, I seem to recall an arms buildup in "aggressive" Iraq to go invade the US... oh wait, it was the opposite. Iraq wasn't agressive at all--it was the US agressiveness--politically, economically, and militarity--agressive on all (...) (22 years ago, 11-Jun-03, to, FTX)
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