Re: Tim Robbins "Countering a Wave of Hate"
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 03:30:17 GMT
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> But Mr. Robbins isn't a deep enough thinker to understand what you (and
> others) are telling him. He'd rather just whine about how now everyone is
> out to get him. I don't see HIM standing up to defend the rights of others
> to speak freely on what they believe.
Oh? He is not? I suppose you are smarter than him? Because, as far as I
know, Mr. Robbins is a respected person in Holywood precisely because he is
a very intelligent and smart person.
If you can threat people because of what they say, then you limit their
freedom of speech. Considering what Tim Robbins has gone through, I would
say that he has every right to say that. And he doesn't have to say that
others can speak freely. The fact that he didn't say it doesn't mean the
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Tim Robbins "Countering a Wave of Hate"
| Coming back to a loose end... let me preface this by saying that I happen to agree with much of what Mr. Robbins said in his speech to the national press club about the dangers that americans face. Ashcroft is prima facia scary... The Patriot Act (...) (22 years ago, 23-Apr-03, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Tim Robbins "Countering a Wave of Hate"
| (...) Precisely. Well said, Scott. But Mr. Robbins isn't a deep enough thinker to understand what you (and others) are telling him. He'd rather just whine about how now everyone is out to get him. I don't see HIM standing up to defend the rights of (...) (22 years ago, 19-Apr-03, to
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