Re: Tim Robbins "Countering a Wave of Hate"
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 21:12:55 GMT
617 times
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In, Scott Costello writes:
> > Free speech isn't free. It has costs. Mr. Robbins ought to be wearing those
> > costs as a badge of honor, not shirking them.
> Where is anyone
> defending Rocker's borderline racist remarks? Yes he was free to say what he
> said, but no he was not free from the consequences of those words.
The difference being that he signed a contract that included (as apparently
many major league contracts do) a clause about his conduct off the field as
a representative of the Braves. I'd have to go digging in news archives to
get the exact details of the clause, but it stated something along the lines
of "I will not do anything to cause undue harm to the Braves, MLB, or their
image." Being interviewd in Sports Illustrated as a MLB player and member
of the Braves, and saying the things he did, violated the contract. Had he
written a letter to the editor simply signed John Rocker (Not Braves pitcher
John Rocker or something) I'd be much more concerned about his rights.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Tim Robbins "Countering a Wave of Hate"
| (...) I was yesterday reminded of the case of John Rocker. For those of you that aren't familiar with Rocker's situation, he was a star closing pitcher for the Atlanta Braves, very popular and highly regarded with the organization. In a Sports (...) (22 years ago, 23-Apr-03, to
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