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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20033
20032  |  20034
Re: My over-simplification of the anti-war movement
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 15:09:15 GMT
166 times
In, Scott Costello writes:
I actually do agree with you on a few points here. I agree that Bush’s
diplomacy was imperfect. I, however, believe the other side.  I think he
spent far too much time in debate and discussion. I have little patience for
diplomatic posturing and filibustering.  Secondly I believe much of the aid
or “bribery” offered was pathetic, Especially the grotesque amount offered
to Turkey.

Don't you just love our freedom loving allies?

Turkey: End sexual torture against women in custody!

Scott A

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My over-simplification of the anti-war movement
I actually do agree with you on a few points here. I agree that Bush’s diplomacy was imperfect. I, however, believe the other side. I think he spent far too much time in debate and discussion. I have little patience for diplomatic posturing and (...) (22 years ago, 31-Mar-03, to

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