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 Off-Topic / Debate / 11544
11543  |  11545
Re: Conspiracy theories: little green men
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 05:06:46 GMT
276 times
In, Kirby Warden writes: • <snipped some stuff>
Some people only accept solid, personal experience and/or observation.  I
have seen enough "doctured" images in movies (Forest Gump) to know that we
can, in fact, fake our photography.  I think many of the conspiracists are
also aware of this and find it rather chilling knowing how easy
entertainment can "fix" an image...what could a national government do to
convince a society that something was real when, in fact it was not?

What was that line of Chris Farley's in "Tommy Boy": You can stick your head
up a cows ass to look for a good steak or just trust the butcher...
something like that. ;^)  I hear ya, Kirby.


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  Re: Conspiracy theories: little green men
In, Daniel Jassim writes: <snip> (...) There is link somewhere in my favorites folder that I cannot find at the moment (this folder is dire need of organizing) which offers a cite about a creationist who would not believe a (...) (24 years ago, 9-Jul-01, to

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