| | Train Module at BayLUG
Would people be interested in seeing how the GMLTC modules are made? I am working on one and am trying to finish it before the BayLUG meeting. I would prefer to hear that people are actually interested, though, as it is really putting me under the (...) (26 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) The GMLTC is currently discussing the possibilities of being at the NMRA show next year in San Jose. We would very much like to do it, but we would need some "support" (ahem!) from either the NMRA, or perhaps even TLG / LSI (dreaming!)... Our (...) (26 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) Ouch, that's a lot of money. How are you planning on getting the layout to San Jose? Doesn't sound like driving. Hmmm, checking AAA Map-N-Go, yow, 2100 miles (~36 hours), I can see why. (26 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
Agreed, November would be better, IMHO Paul Sinasohn (26 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) Na. I already know and I have the bloody knuckles to prove it. just kidding. Seriously, how do you know you're on the right track? While John G posted some of the details regarding modules (2x3 of the 15 inch base plates, track insets, how (...) (26 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) I'm interested to get more technical details, and I'd love to post a definitive instruction page for building the tables on BayLUG ala the page I did for the PNLTC design, ((URL) What are the chances we could make a 'transition table'? Take a (...) (26 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) I got the lattice structure that is used in the GMLTC from John Gerlach. He sent me a .bmp file that showed how it goes together. I made the power controller cutouts myself, but they look pretty close. Then only change I made was to make my (...) (26 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) Well, they're a 1/2 million **train windows** and monorail motors, and macaroni bricks, and forest wench torsos, see... not basic bricks like one would need by the tens of thousands. Plus there's also the time issue. But ya, I probably ought (...) (26 years ago, 5-Aug-99, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) Why do this? Just match the heights! If the top of the GMLTC module is the same height as the PNLTC module you're all set. However... hmm. there may still need to be a transition because PNLTC modules have fixed height legs. So do GMLTC (...) (26 years ago, 5-Aug-99, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) Mike, That is a good idea, IMO to turn the modules sideways to give yourself extra room. I am doing the same think in my home layout of 5 modules. They are going together like this: |---...---|---...---|---...---| | | | | | | | | |---...---| (...) (26 years ago, 5-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains.org, lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) Pardon moi, but the correct spelling is "Nah" (At least where I come from -- MinnesOTA ;-) --Todd (26 years ago, 5-Aug-99, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) I think that's Pardonnez mwha, but whaddeva. (26 years ago, 6-Aug-99, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) 'Scuze me. You meant Minnesnowta. Steve (26 years ago, 11-Aug-99, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) That's the place with mini snowflakes? ;-) --Todd p.s. Tonka toys was in my hometown! (26 years ago, 11-Aug-99, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
Mike, Do you have the lattice structure BMP file that the GMLTC used to build their layout? Thanks Jim (...) (24 years ago, 23-Oct-00, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) I just sent the .bmp file to Jim - would there be any interest in me posting it to brickshelf? It's not a complicated system - it just requires a LOT of basic bricks... JohnG, GMLTC (24 years ago, 23-Oct-00, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) Ya. or if I get a chance I might LDraw something up that shows it. It does require a LOT of bricks but not nearly as many as a solid would. It's simple, and when I first saw it I said "that'll never work" but it's amazingly strong and (...) (24 years ago, 23-Oct-00, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) Yes, please do. I was just wondering about this and reading over the old threads last night. Ben Roller (24 years ago, 23-Oct-00, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) Done. Check it out at (URL) left to right: Dark grey are the 2x2 'towers'. Green is the outside wall of the section, built from 2x4 bricks. Light grey is the 'grid', notice how each 2x4 is attached to two towers, or a tower and the side wall. (...) (24 years ago, 23-Oct-00, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) tower and grid system myself, but I had only been using one brick towers. Now if only I had more bricks.. :) (...) So when you put in the extra plate in some sections it goes tower, grid, tower, grid, tower, grid, plates, top? (...) I wouldn't (...) (24 years ago, 23-Oct-00, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
We have a bunch of photos of a couple modules being built down in Mike's garage on the BayLTC page; (URL) Regards, -Z- (URL) (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)
 | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
(...) Before the 'grid & tower' system, there was plywood... :-) JohnG, GMLTC (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to lugnet.loc.us.ca.sf.sj, lugnet.trains.org)