Re: Train Module at BayLUG
Wed, 4 Aug 1999 15:13:44 GMT
1491 times
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In, Mike Poindexter writes:
> I am hoping to finish several of these before the NMRA convention next year
> and am hoping that the GMLTC comes out (hint, hint) for it.
The GMLTC is currently discussing the possibilities of being at the NMRA show
next year in San Jose. We would very much like to do it, but we would need
some "support" (ahem!) from either the NMRA, or perhaps even TLG / LSI
(dreaming!)... Our rough estimate is that it would cost us $7000 - $8000 to
do the show - airfare, lodging, transporting the layout, etc...
We'll see what happens!
(yes, remove the ".nospam" to reply...)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Train Module at BayLUG
| (...) Ouch, that's a lot of money. How are you planning on getting the layout to San Jose? Doesn't sound like driving. Hmmm, checking AAA Map-N-Go, yow, 2100 miles (~36 hours), I can see why. (26 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Train Module at BayLUG
| Would people be interested in seeing how the GMLTC modules are made? I am working on one and am trying to finish it before the BayLUG meeting. I would prefer to hear that people are actually interested, though, as it is really putting me under the (...) (26 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to,
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