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Re: LEGOFest IV: The ReddiFest - March 11 2000
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 11:52:41 GMT
1203 times
e.g someone with several 4561 (Scott?) could do something like a channel
tunnel terminal

I'll be bringing by 4559 adaptation. I need more of these. Does anyone have a
spare?.... it need not be complete or have instructions.

The main problem is finding a use for all those curves, as Scott has found out!

Yes. I don't want them... either does anyone else.


Scott A

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  Re: LEGOFest IV: The ReddiFest - March 11 2000
(...) If we have many trains, wont we want a layout that can have several running at once? I can imagine several disconnected, but visually integrated circuits each running their own trains. Perhaps some road plates and town buildings to hold it (...) (25 years ago, 25-Jan-00, to

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