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Re: LEGOFest IV: The ReddiFest - March 11 2000
Sun, 23 Jan 2000 08:29:09 GMT
1086 times
I've no idea were Redditch is, but count me in.

Scott A

Carbon 60 wrote in message ...
This is an announcement for the next UK LEGOFest which will be situated in

I have a pre-booking on a Church Hall which we can have all day - the hall • is
quite big and there is a Kitchen , Lounge-type area and a whole Bungalow of
rooms should they be needed.  The Church Leader has yet to give me a cost
although I think it will be minimal - just to cover the cost of heating and

Plans for the event:

Monster Train Layout
"What voltage shall we have?"
"All of them!" Jon D Hayward.
I have 4.5V blue and 12V grey track and a lot of additional sets.

Space Base
This is a second attempt at something that was tried a LEGOFest III: The
NorthWest Fest, I have 10 packs of Blacktron-2 Landing plates, a 6991 • Unitron
Monorail and all those crater plates I've been getting from previous Fests.

Totem Pole/Tower
I won't be organising this bit but the height of hall is taller than Tony's
stairwell and we have step ladders to put on the top sections.  I won't • have
the bricks to build transistional sections like Tony could.

Trading and 'Show and Tell' Areas
One of the complaints from previous Fests was the lack of space to separate
trade items from items people had brought to show people - I hope to be • able to
provide separate tables for this but I know people will just fill the space • :-)

Exterior visits
I think I may try to organise an expedition to Bromsgrove where there is a
seller who sells LEGO Parts in bags - I've seen Thatcher-Perkin wheels in • some
of these bags, there is also a local toy shop which has some accessories • packs
and older small sets such as Western.

How to get there?
The church is situated by Redditch's main bus and train station as well as
roads - I'll post maps etc. to a website - who is in charge of at the moment as I'll give you an URL to redirect • to.

Overnight Accomodation
Unfortunately I can't provide accomodation since my house is so small (if • there
was 1 or 2 I may be able to wrangle something), there are Travelodge's • nearby
and a few local hotels which I'll get details of if necessary.

* Basically what I need to find out now is how many people can make this • event
so I can confirm the booking *

Carbon 60

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGOFest IV: The ReddiFest - March 11 2000
(...) Ooops, it's 20 miles south of Birmingham - most accessible from the M42. Carbon 60 (25 years ago, 23-Jan-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  LEGOFest IV: The ReddiFest - March 11 2000
This is an announcement for the next UK LEGOFest which will be situated in Redditch. I have a pre-booking on a Church Hall which we can have all day - the hall is quite big and there is a Kitchen , Lounge-type area and a whole Bungalow of rooms (...) (25 years ago, 22-Jan-00, to

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