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Re: LEGO CLOCKS and satanic sets
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 10:31:37 GMT
1014 times
In, Peter White writes:
In, Melody Brown writes:

Hahaha well My email address may seem weird but it works!  I hardly get any
junk emails sent there were as my other normal accounts do!  So an 'Evil'
addy works! hehe... Mel

Check out set # 6669, I can imagine you moving about town in one of these.

pete.w (who in viewing the 1991 town selection, gets a bit sad)

Hahaha I am hardly satanic :P As I am sure most 'Bugs' could tell you that
too :) hehe but errr yeah!  Amusing peter :P... Mel

P.S Maybe I will have to build a Devil with horns sculpture :P

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO CLOCKS and satanic sets
(...) Check out set # 6669, I can imagine you moving about town in one of these. pete.w (who in viewing the 1991 town selection, gets a bit sad) (24 years ago, 30-Mar-01, to

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