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Re: Sand Green and POV
lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, lugnet.cad.ray
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 14:06:43 GMT
1266 times
"Kevin Clague" <> wrote in message
  LPub has always used shadowless lights for building instructions. •
also has the ability to override ambient, diffuse and specular reflections
default values created by L3P.

  I now turn reflections off, set ambient to 0.7 and diffuse to 0.3.  This
creates a less realistic picture, and looks very nice.

  I've added the post-post-processing of POV files to the list.


[ ... snipped ... ]

That is good news.  I suppose I should look closer at the generated POV code
before making assumptions!

It must be the reflections I am seeing that I assumed were shadows.  Take a
look at these two images:

Image No1:

Image No2:

The first image was generated by LPub.  The shading I am trying to eliminate
is most noticeable towards the front of the train where green transitions to
white.  The second image is the scene I put together for the cover of my
instruction book[1].  It was generated by my old manual process - using
L3PAO and then manually swapping out the default light sources for the
include directive I mentioned earlier.

So now we are getting beyond my knowledge base - will the suggestions you
made above (turn reflections off, set ambient to 0.7 and diffuse to 0.3)
allow me to generate images that appear more like the one I generated

Thanks for your patience.


[1]  This train is a Christmas version of my Blue Tank Engine I built to run
around our Christmas tree.  I wanted to contrast the process of creating
instructions with LPub with my previous LD-Lite based process[2].  This
train was a good candidate because all of the CAD work is done already and I
had been through the process with the blue version.

[2] The result of my LD-Lite based process can be downloaded from:
Mike Walsh - mike_walsh at - North Carolina LEGO Train Club - Carolina Train Builders - CTB/Brick Depot

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Sand Green and POV
Mike, In the first image, there are no shadows. What you see are reflections. The reflection of the smoke stack on the top of the engine compartment looks like a shadow because the smoke stack is darker than the abient light you see other places. (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jan-03, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Sand Green and POV
Mike, LPub has always used shadowless lights for building instructions. also has the ability to override ambient, diffuse and specular reflections default values created by L3P. I now turn reflections off, set ambient to 0.7 and diffuse to (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jan-03, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, lugnet.cad.ray)

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