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Re: Sand Green and POV
lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, lugnet.cad.ray
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 20:41:25 GMT
4677 times
"Kevin Clague" <> skrev i meddelandet
[...snip light discussion...]

I have found that putting a shadowless light _exactly_ at the camera point
makes sure there are no visible areas showing only the 'ambient' color. In
this way textures (and reflections) are a bit more prominent, even in the
darker areas ('ambient only' shows no surface pertuberations etc.).

This extra light should have a value lower than 1.0, or the total lighting
will be too much.

For the moment I'm doing AnkerCAD renderings, where the following values
work good:

// This is the shadow casting light
light_source {
  color rgb 0.55*<1, 1, 1>

// At the same pos as the camera, to make sure no visible area is 'ambient
light_source {
  color rgb 0.35*<1, 1, 1>

// A shadowless light far away, to have a larger lighted area on the 'table'
light_source { <0, 5000000, 0> color 0.5*<1, 1, 1> shadowless }

This might be more important for my Anker renderings, as every stone is
textured, I haven't tested this on BlockCAD/LDRAW related renderings yet.

Anders Isaksson, Sweden

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Sand Green and POV
Mike, In the first image, there are no shadows. What you see are reflections. The reflection of the smoke stack on the top of the engine compartment looks like a shadow because the smoke stack is darker than the abient light you see other places. (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jan-03, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, lugnet.cad.ray)

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