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 General / 2901
    Re: Fence colours —Simon Robinson
   (...) Put them up for auction - I'll be after those as well :) (Us paradisa pink brick lovers come out of the closet) But why on Earth have you got a Paradisa set if you don't want pink bricks...? If anyone got any blue or yellow fences to sell as (...) (26 years ago, 24-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)
        Re: Fence colours —Gary R. Istok
     Darn. I though I was the only one that liked that pink color. I've got a book on Miami Beach Art Deco Architecture of the 1930's. WOW, it is awesome! I plan on recreating some of these fabulous Art Deco Moderne 1930's pastel creations using some of (...) (26 years ago, 24-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)
         Re: Fence colours —Simon Robinson
     Funny that. I was sure I was the only one who liked the pink as well. The main problem I had with Paradisa was I was never too keen on _white_... Kinda - reminds me of back about 10 years ago when half the people I knew liked Kylie Minogue singles - (...) (26 years ago, 25-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)
         Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —John Neal
     OKAY, FINE As long as we're all coming out of the closet, I like ...Belville! And Scala, too!! Or, as my daughter and I like to call them, "Barbie Legos" (sic). If you think that _any_ of those jaundiced technic guys would go for a (if they ever (...) (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to lugnet.general,,
         Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Scott Edward Sanburn
      To each his/her own, folks, in terms of Lego sets anyway! :) In my humble opinion, I think Belville is still better than Town Junior! I liked Paradisa much better than Belville, I can't incorporate Belville in my Lego Universe anyhow.... Scott (...) (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to lugnet.general,,
          Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —John Neal
       Try incorporating Scala! TLG has divided and conquered my bank account as my family tries to operated _3_ separate Lego universes-- Belville, Scala, and TrainsTrainsTrains. We have yet to explore the possibilities of inter dimensional contact, but (...) (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to lugnet.general,,, lugnet.trains)
           Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Scott Edward Sanburn
       John, (...) Either you are very ambitious, have a ton of bricks somewhere, or completely crazy, but good luck either way! My new year's resolution was not to buy any Town Junior, except the boats for the hulls. As for Scala, my mini-figs have enough (...) (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to lugnet.general,,, lugnet.trains)
          Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —John Neal
      BTW, [I'd cross-post to the "residing in the where are they now file" (1)] if there was one, but WHO is Kylie Minogue (2) -John "cross-posting AND footnote-abusing (4) wacko" Neal (1) credit to Rob Reiner, writer of "This is Spinal Tap" (2) At the (...) (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to
          Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —John Neal
       Sorry, "were" one... had to correct before lit up by that Jolly Jingoist guy;) But my question remains, who is (was?) KM??? (...) (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to
           Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Larry Pieniazek
        I'm not sure about that subject line... (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to
            Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —John Neal
        I'm not sure I get your drift... Perhaps I should have said "pastel Lego"? Tell me what I have done wrong! <cower, prostrate, offer up pink brick> ;) (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to
            Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Larry Pieniazek
        This is a family group. If I explained in more detail it wouldn't be. 'nuff said. (1) (...) 1 - Suffice it to say I like pink too. (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to
           Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Selçuk Göre
         John Neal wrote in message <>... (...) guy;) But my (...) She is a pop singer, if I'm not wrong.. Selçuk (...) (1)] if there was (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to
            Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Jesse Long
        Selçuk wrote in message ... (...) Big Brother is watching you... Jesse ___...___ Jesse The Jolly Jingoist Looking for answers? Read the FAQ! (URL) in Deja News! (URL) (26 years ago, 2-Mar-99, to
           Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Simon Robinson
       (...) guy;) But my (...) if there was (...) Er - tell me that wasn't a serious question? :)) One of the biggest pop stars around about 10 years ago. Charlene from 'Neighbours' (do you have 'Neighbours' in the States?)? 'I Should Be So Lucky'? 'Got (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to
           Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —John Neal
        I know the neighbors (lived on +both+ sides of me for years;). As for those songs, I know "The Locomotion" because it has been covered about once every decade (1) The only female brits I'm aware of are the (you guessed it) Spice Girls. I mourned for (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to
           Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Richard Dee
       On Mon, 1 Mar 1999 18:58:28 GMT, Simon Robinson uttered the following profundities... (...) I provided the complete biography in another post. Couldn't remember any of her songs, though. (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to
          Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Richard Dee
      On Sun, 28 Feb 1999 23:13:06 GMT, John Neal uttered the following profundities... (...) Kylie Minogue. One half of an Australian singing/acting dynasty. Her sister is Danii, and comprises the other half. Kylie (Australian Aboriginal for boomerang!) (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to
         Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Steve Bliss
     That Scala table-top is a really cool piece. I keep trying to work it into space-ships, maybe as a heat-shield or a landing deck. (...) I don't know -- that slightly crossed-eyed look is kind of spooky. Besides, it appears all the females in (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to lugnet.general,,
         Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —John Neal
       (...) I think that the beds (mattress removed) might make good train flatbeds somehow.... (...) LOL "Love is kinda spooky with a cross-eyed belville girl like you" You make good points. Come to think of it, I don't want *any* dating in my Belville (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to lugnet.general,,
          Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Steve Bliss
      (...) How long can that last? Steve "I've got boys" Bliss [1] Wow, that 'funny middle name' thing is almost as much fun as 'run-away footnoting'![2] [2] Not to mention 'no reference' footnoting! (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to lugnet.general,,
          Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —John Neal
       She *will* remain 11.(1)(2) -John "I wish I were Steve" Neal (2) yes, no reference footnoting +is+ fun! (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to
          Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Jasper Janssen
      (...) A year at most, one would say.... (...) 23: Warning: Unreferenced footnote in post.c. Jasper "no kids for a while yet" Janssen (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to
         Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Simon Robinson
       (...) Perhaps it's time for the 'Lego extra-marital affair' range. Featuring 4355 'Secret Rendezvous', 4358 'The "Adult" Education Class' and 4344 'Anne Summers Party' Now that would be a new image for Lego. I'm sure it would sell in huge numbers (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to lugnet.general,,
         Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Christopher L. Weeks
     (...) You're not supposed to be dating them; why should that be a criterion? (26 years ago, 2-Mar-99, to lugnet.general,
         Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Steve Bliss
     (...) I don't know--talk to the Technic Guys who voted down the recent motion to create TechFemmes. Supposedly, the Belvillian (hmm) women are better looking. Steve (26 years ago, 2-Mar-99, to lugnet.general,
         Re: I like pink (was Fence colours) —Selçuk Göre
     (...) Wow, the first sigthing of mine(?) word, belvillian, used by somebody other than me..:c) Selçuk (26 years ago, 2-Mar-99, to lugnet.general,
        Re: Fence colours —Scott Edward Sanburn
   I got the house simply because I thought it was a neat set, and I wanted to have a pool in my house as well. The fact that it had a good deal of pink bricks did not concern me because I replaced them with white or gray or black pieces. It was one of (...) (26 years ago, 24-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)
        Re: Fence colours —Simon Robinson
   Ha ha - sorry, Scott, I think I forgot the smiley on my question. I wasn't trying to be awkward. But yes, if I'm thinking of the right set (6416 Poolside Paradisa) then it is a great set, with some great looking pieces. Definitely very high on my (...) (26 years ago, 25-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

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