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Re: Creator scourge strikes again!
lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.general
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 18:34:24 GMT
96 times
"Rob D." wrote:

in article, Kevin Zwicker at wrote
on 2/2/2001 8:07 PM:


An unholy union of minifigs and Bellville.

Why didn't we have those weird Bellville people sterilized while we had the


I seem to be one of the minority of people that thinks these figs are
o.k.  They are nicely and more realistically proportioned than minifigs
(I bet they are in scale with a lot of Miniland structures) and I think
the ball socket head is nice.  I do wish they had posable knees and this scale I think that would be possible.  I like the
minifig and want to see it continue...but these will make a nice
different addition to building possibilities.

P.S.  I still think it's WAY too much of a coincidence that the first
three Creator figs we saw looked like Harry, Ron and Hermione.  Maybe
Lego was THINKING of taking the HP sets in this direction and then
changed their mind...but still decided to use the development efforts
for this new smells fishy to me...

Thomas Main

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Creator scourge strikes again!
(...) I am wondering if these Creator figures are the same size range as Fabuland figures? [This would make them smaller than Mickey and Minnie, which would be my preference.] Does the head have the same pivoting movement that a Fabuland animal has? (...) (24 years ago, 5-Feb-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Creator scourge strikes again!
in article, Kevin Zwicker at wrote on 2/2/2001 8:07 PM: (...) Yuck. An unholy union of minifigs and Bellville. Why didn't we have those weird Bellville people sterilized while we had the chance? Rob (24 years ago, 3-Feb-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.general)

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