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Re: Units (Was: Play "I can name that piece...")
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 14:53:27 GMT
1669 times
On Mon, 15 Feb 1999 23:12:18 GMT, (Todd Lehman)

In lugnet.general, (Steve Bliss) writes:
On Mon, 15 Feb 1999 18:53:45 GMT, (Todd Lehman)
In lugnet.general, (Steve Bliss) writes:
On Mon, 15 Feb 1999 11:38:16 GMT, (Todd Lehman)

Name confusions aside (two different suggested meanings for LU), the
measurement equalling 1/10 interstud width (.8 mm) seems like a most
excellent basic unit of measurement with which >99% of bounding-box
measurements can be given as integers.

But 1/20 is even better.  Trust me, I use it all the time.

Let me see then -- so 1/20 of a Gyugyi LU is equal to 1/2 of a Gyugyi dLU is
equal to 2 Jessiman LDU?

Almost.  1/20 Gyugyi LU = *1* Jessiman LDU = .4 mm.

Now I'm thoroughly confuzzed. :)  I thought Jacob said that an LDU = 1/4 LU,
which would have been in reference to the LU which means 1/5 of the inter-
stud spacing and 1/6 of a standard brick height.

Ah.  We're refering to two different LU's.  A Lehman LU (you brought it
up in this thread first) is 1/2 plate-height.  So the on-center spacing
of studs can be expressed:

1 Gyugyi LU
5 Lehman LU
8 mm
10 Gyugyi dLU
20 LDU

I would say the Lehman LU is the 'standard LU' measurement (doesn't the
RTL FAQ include the definition for the LU?).  It's the largest unit
which can expression the relative widths and heights of standard bricks
and plates in whole numbers.

So a Jessiman LDU = 1/40 of the standard LEGO SYSTEM inter-stud spacing?
Or 1/20?



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Units (Was: Play "I can name that piece...")
(...) Now I'm thoroughly confuzzed. :) I thought Jacob said that an LDU = 1/4 LU, which would have been in reference to the LU which means 1/5 of the inter- stud spacing and 1/6 of a standard brick height. So a Jessiman LDU = 1/40 of the standard (...) (26 years ago, 15-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

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