Re: Funniest LEGO EBAY Item I've ever seen!!
Mon, 17 Jul 2000 17:30:01 GMT
1050 times
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Scott, I'm sure that he is merely toying with us. That stuff is probably
really in his basement. Otherwise, he would be a fool to sell stolen goods,
and leave a trail. I love his comments about packaging. And his Canadian
Gary Istok
"Scott E. Sanburn" wrote:
> Gary,
> It is funny, but it is also called GRAND LARCENY. I wonder if E-Bay should
> look at this one or not.
> Scott S.
> --
> Systems Administrator-Affiliated Engineers ->
> LEGO Page ->
> Want LEGO Parts at Great Prices? Visit The Sanburn Systems Company!
Message has 5 Replies:  | | Re: Funniest LEGO EBAY Item I've ever seen!!
| In lugnet.general, Gary Istok writes: I'm going to have to concure with Gary on this one Scott. The guy obviously has a comic store or something. It would be quite a feat if he really were cleaning out his neighbor's basement. On the other hand, if (...) (25 years ago, 17-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: Funniest LEGO EBAY Item I've ever seen!!
| (...) He is just joking indeed. All of his other auctions are the same. All his comments have "great seller with great sense of humor". He has no negative feedback. So I would say just take it as a joke because that is all it is. David (URL) (25 years ago, 17-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: Funniest LEGO EBAY Item I've ever seen!!
| (...) I have to agree with Gary on this one. It's pretty funny for one thing, and if you check out enough of his other auctions you'll come across a different humour panel using the same image but a very different approach. Then again, there's (...) (25 years ago, 18-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: Funniest LEGO EBAY Item I've ever seen!!
| This may not be the funniest, but I was sure laughing while watching my auction go from $9.99 to $129.50 in the last 2 minutes. What really makes it funny is there are two bids that high, check the bid history. Has this ever happened to anyone? (URL) (25 years ago, 19-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Funniest LEGO EBAY Item I've ever seen!!
| Gary, It is funny, but it is also called GRAND LARCENY. I wonder if E-Bay should look at this one or not. Scott S. -- Systems Administrator-Affiliated Engineers -> (URL) Page -> (URL) LEGO Parts at Great Prices? Visit The Sanburn Systems Company! (...) (25 years ago, 17-Jul-00, to lugnet.general)
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