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 General / 10812
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Re: Outlet Mall Locations?
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 04:47:32 GMT
765 times
In lugnet.general, Mark Herzberg writes:
In lugnet.general, Rick Kujawa writes:
They should consider putting one in the LA area.  I think I remember
hearing that if it where a country it would be the sixth largest
economic country on earth.  It definitely has a lot of people (with
kids).  They would rake!

How could they not put in the Miami area? Mall capital of the world and home
to world's largest outlet mall (Sawgrass Mills. I go to this mall at least
once a month and still manage to get lost very easily). In the past year, they
have built two new malls and have expanded one of them. Currently, two malls
are under construction (both feature theme parks) and one more is being

I say, put one in Boston. There are definitely lots of LEGO fans there.
Please! Pretty please, with a cherry on top ;-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Outlet Mall Locations?
(...) they (...) There should also be one somewhere along the northern I-5 corridor, maybe near Centralia, WA or possibly slightly to the east at Troutdale, OR. it would provide good access from Vancouver BC, Seattle, Portland, Spokane, Eugene, (...) (25 years ago, 30-Nov-99, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Outlet Mall Locations?
(...) How could they not put in the Miami area? Mall capital of the world and home to world's largest outlet mall (Sawgrass Mills. I go to this mall at least once a month and still manage to get lost very easily). In the past year, they have built (...) (25 years ago, 25-Nov-99, to lugnet.general)

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