| | Are the printed walls in the new Playhouse #3620 cardboard?
Or are they some kind of plastic? Doesn't seem like they would last 5 minutes if they're cardboard (well not with our kids anyway!) Matt (22 years ago, 13-Sep-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Duplo eggs for anyone interested
I have 2-3 full cases (12 eggs per case, basically 3 of each of the 4 types of eggs) left from a batch of 6 cases I found at a local supplier. 3$ per egg or 35 USD per case. I didn't want to wait till they did the 50% off discount since then there (...) (22 years ago, 13-Sep-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Re: Duplo WTC Memorial
(...) I think it's a very eloquent statement. Well done. My thoughts are with you. Joe Meno (...) (22 years ago, 10-Sep-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Duplo WTC Memorial
(URL) created this little memorial out of Duplo. Originally it was just the tattered American flag. (I dont have much white Duplo.) I wanted to have the towers in the flag but couldnt decide how to do it, since I only had the basic Duplo colors, I (...) (22 years ago, 10-Sep-02, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.announce.moc)
| | Re: LEGO Suggested Ages of Play
(...) Decide for yourself. One Step Ahead (and I'm sure other vendors) makes a simple choking hazard tester that's great for evaluating small toys. There are lots of Primo/Baby stacking toys available. Also, check out the new Explorer musical toys. (...) (22 years ago, 9-Sep-02, to lugnet.lego, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.primo)
| | Updates to the DUPLO Printed Brick Database
During the last few weeks the DUPLO Printed Brick Database here on LUGNET has been updated a few times. I have received several information updates and pictures of older bricks from Christian Boeker and Sabine Mayrhofer. Some recent purchases of Bob (...) (22 years ago, 3-Sep-02, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general) !
| | New DUPLO bucket 4086
Hi, To my big surprice I saw a DUPLO (actually, Explore) bucket today, with the number 4086. This is the first time DUPLO moves into the 4xxx-numbers. The bucket itself contained 90 bricks, mostly basic bricks, with some trans-blue 2x4 and 2x2. (...) (22 years ago, 29-Aug-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Poll example on member page: DinoTron mecha
OK, here's an example of a poll included right onto a LUGNET member page: (URL) do this, I simply added [Poll 14] at the bottom of that page. And then the system displays the poll automatically when it renders the FTX[1] into HTML. Any poll can be (...) (22 years ago, 12-Aug-02, to lugnet.general, lugnet.build.mecha, lugnet.duplo) !
| | New Explore sets, 3615
The new Explore sets are now promoted in Denmark; TRU has some of them on sale, e.g. 3615 Theatre. I don't like all the cardboards - they won't last long in the hands of a 3-year old. Anyway, there are some nice things in this set, such as swords (...) (22 years ago, 9-Aug-02, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.castle)
| | Bob The Builder's Cat, Pilchard/ chart
While bumbling around, I found a knitting chart for Pilchard, Bob The Builder's Cat. It could be used for a Lego mosaic also. (URL) (22 years ago, 5-Aug-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Re: 4085 Bucket (Explore)
(...) They have to not be able to fit down a tube of a certain diameter, which I gather is slightly larger than the size of a baby's windpipe or esophagus. Adrian (22 years ago, 28-Jul-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Re: 4085 Bucket (Explore)
(...) How do they test it? I'd hate to be one of the babies in their panel of experts... Chris (22 years ago, 28-Jul-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Re: LEGO stops DUPLO
(...) I bought one yesterday (in Copenhagen); it's number is 4082. All the red and light green bricks were imprinted with "Duplo", while all the blue and yellow and trans-blue bricks has "Lego" imprints. Arne (22 years ago, 9-Jul-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Re: LEGO stops DUPLO
(...) I just saw this bucket today too. It's different in its construction from prior buckets. It lacks a handle, having instead a curved lip around the rim. Also, the studs on the lid said, "LEGO" rather than "DUPLO". I was a little frustrated by (...) (22 years ago, 8-Jul-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Re: A little more info on Explore
(...) Did anyone else notice, that 3273 Lofty has changed? In 2001 Duplo version Lofty sports a grab, but in 2002 Explore version it's been replaced with a hook! I can't see any reason for this change?!?? Arne, Copenhagen (22 years ago, 26-Jun-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Re: LEGO Explore and independent toy sellers
"Suzanne D. Rich" <suz@baseplate.com> wrote in message news:AF54FE8A-8833-1...ate.com... [ ... snippage ... ] (...) In my area (Raleigh, NC) it seems that the smaller toy stores have been the first to get some of the new LEGO sets, specifically the (...) (22 years ago, 25-Jun-02, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.lego)
| | LEGO Explore and independent toy sellers
I came across a 2-page piece in the June 2002 issue of "Specialty Toys & Gifts." It's by Carrie Casaceli, who's spokeswoman for the Americas panel of LLI (the LEGO Learning Institute). The article isn't online, so I'll quote some of it here. Much of (...) (22 years ago, 25-Jun-02, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.lego)
| | Re: 4085 Bucket (Explore)
To All, I just picked this up yesterday (Filler for my train station project) and I got it for 9.97 at the Elkhart Indiana Wal-Mart. Is that the correct price, since it is chaper than the 70 piece Duplo bucket. Scott "Growing Duplo User" S. -- (22 years ago, 21-Jun-02, to lugnet.duplo)
| | Re: Introducing Brickenbloom Place & Gardens
(...) When I displayed Brickenbloom at the RichLUG train show in March, it was interesting to see the different reactions of people. Particularly amusing was the reaction of young boys who were adamant that did not like my house or train. Other (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-02, to lugnet.build, lugnet.duplo)
| | Re: 4085 Bucket (Explore)
(...) I had wondered about that too. I do think that some of the existing Duplo pieces are bordering on choking hazards anyway, things like the saucepan. I gather that technically they pass the relevant standards as safe otherwise they wouldn't be (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-02, to lugnet.duplo)