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 Duplo / *521 (-10)
  Re: New Duplo Trains in June?
(...) Just to followup - they are now listed, prices NZ$. 3335 Intelli-Train Starter Set $157.95 3325 Intelli-Train Deluxe Set $295.95 3327 Intelli-Train Station $87.95 3334 Intelli-Train Tunnel $42.95 3326 Intelli-Train Cargo $87.95 no pictures of (...) (23 years ago, 27-May-02, to lugnet.duplo,
  A little more info on Explore
I was at Wal-Mart today and they had a few more of the Explore sets out. Bob the Builder seems to be continuing in the Explore line. They had $5.00 sets with 9 pieces, each featuring a character and an activity. I saw: Wallpapering Wendy #3278 Busy (...) (23 years ago, 25-May-02, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: LEGO stops DUPLO
(...) *whew* That is good news. I wish they would have put a pic of the bucket in their catalog, woulda saved me some heartache, lol! Although I did get 2 Duplo tubs at Target while I was picking up some of the J.F. Slave I's. I am looking foward to (...) (23 years ago, 23-May-02, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: LEGO stops DUPLO
(...) I'd guess this will happen when the moulds have to be replaced due to wear. I actually do/did have new Duplo bricks bought in the last 2 years with Lego stamped on them rather than Duplo. These were most likely from buckets manufactured in (...) (23 years ago, 23-May-02, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: LEGO stops DUPLO
(...) I wonder if the bricks will go back to having LEGO rather than DUPLO imprinted inside the studs. Maggie C. (23 years ago, 22-May-02, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: LEGO stops DUPLO
(...) I saw one of the new Explore sets at Wal-Mart today. It was a yellow bucket and could have easily still said Duplo. There doesn't seem to be too much difference between Explore and Duplo, at least that was the case with this bucket. Bricks and (...) (23 years ago, 22-May-02, to lugnet.duplo)
  More Explore part 3
Imagination These are the music modules that Rob describes, and basically defy description by the uninformed (i.e. me) so the blame for these set names goes back on Google's translator: 3361 E36,95 Music Twist 3362 E44,95 Music Quilting Dance 1 3363 (...) (23 years ago, 22-May-02, to lugnet.duplo)
  More Explore part 2
I've given up on the translator, these are my sloppy descriptions... (baby thinks I should be paying attention to her, not the computer!) Being Me 3616 E30,95 A Duplo police station in a case/backpack which is the building. 3617 E30,95 A playhouse (...) (23 years ago, 22-May-02, to lugnet.duplo)
  More Explore, including trains
Ok, I'm reading this through google's translation from German, so the set names are not accurate and the prices are Euros which I cannot be bothered translating :) All are stated as available from June. Pictures on the site are not great quality, (...) (23 years ago, 22-May-02, to lugnet.duplo)
  New Bob and Explore from FBTB
Well, this has possibly been up for ages, but I've only just noticed it. (URL) we can see new Bob the Builder including Roley, Dizzy and a 3D Pilchard (yay!), and an unidentified figure on the top right platform (Spud?) Also, some Explore sets (...) (23 years ago, 22-May-02, to lugnet.duplo)

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