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 Dear LEGO / 2427
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Re: better villians
Fri, 25 Aug 2000 16:11:46 GMT
1338 times
In lugnet.dear-lego, James Walker wrote:

i think that lego should realise that people that smile all the time and • live
in a world where nothing goes worng just doesnt sell anymore...
i think lego needs better villians...

i think that lego should have "eviler" minifigs

I disagree completely.  I'd like nothing better than for LEGO to return to
making only plain smileys.

Indeed. I don't mind some character designs for certain minifigs, but this
bumper crop of mutants we have now are just getting silly. The bus for the
Soccer sets are a good example. Why oh why did we need more Timmy heads, and
Johnny Thunder?

Scott S.
Systems Administrator-Affiliated Engineers ->
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: better villians
(...) I disagree completely. I'd like nothing better than for LEGO to return to making only plain smileys. Steve (25 years ago, 25-Aug-00, to lugnet.dear-lego)

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