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Re: Elements I'd like to see...
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 16:34:25 GMT
2769 times
In lugnet.dear-lego, Kevin Salm wrote:

Gender changer plates are also something I would like to see.
I don't hold out much hope for female-female plates as they would be so thin
they they might easily break; perhaps these would have to be 1/2 thickness
rather than 1/3 brick thickness.

Have you looked at the new(ish) Technic half-beams?  These are basically
1xN female-female plates, except their height is 1/2 the width of a 1x1

In LDraw measuring, regular plates are 8LDU tall, 1x bricks are 20LDU
wide.  The half beams are 10LDU tall, when you lay them down.

See Technic Liftarm 1x5, Technic Liftarm 1x6,
Technic Liftarm 1x7

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Elements I'd like to see...
(...) Yup, you are correct. I simply forgot about these pieces. I have used them as gender changers in the past, but do not like them much due to the rounded ends. For now, however, that is all we have and I guess I can be happy with that until a (...) (25 years ago, 3-Apr-00, to lugnet.dear-lego)  

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  Re: Elements I'd like to see...
Based on the 1x2 tile with center stud, I would really like to have 2x4 tiles with one row of centered studs (4 studs down the middle long ways). This piece would be great for adding detail to structures. My idea is to use them between rows of 2x (...) (25 years ago, 26-Mar-00, to lugnet.dear-lego)  

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