Re: One more thing and I think we're set...
Thu, 22 Jun 2000 20:40:59 GMT
815 times
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In, Shiri Dori writes:
> In, Chris Maddison writes:
> > OK, we (Shiri and I) have everything pretty much finalized, but we need some
> > input. We think everyone should vote, in order to increase awareness to CW
> > while still making people feel welcome. The stories up for vote will be
> > posted every Sat-Sun, voting will take place during the week via email
> > (, and then the votes will be tallied and the
> > winner's story posted on Fri. The winner then gets to pick from one of Wilson
> > Raska's "award or whatever we're gonna call them" things, and whala! It
> > starts again the next week. What's everyone else's feelings on this?
> Oh, one more thing...
> There's still the question whether we actually feature the story on the site,
> or just link to it. I'm trying to get approval from the authors to do this
> (feature), but it's up to them.
> -Shiri
Are you trying to get approval to put them on the CW site, and not just link
them? I'm fine with either method, the story really doesn't change if it's on
one site or the other anyways. One question, are the "award icons" going to
be on the CW site, or will people just pull them off of brickshelf? Well,
I've gotta get back to writing my new story.
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