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 Castle / 7395
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Re: Top 8 ways to get out of a slump ...
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 18:16:13 GMT
1550 times
John Carroll <> wrote in message
think small:  I've been trying to build a Large, Minifig scale Mech and • have
not been successful.  so yesterday after seeing the grey and blue 8 legged
mech (and it's black and yellow cosin) sorry I don't remember who built • it.
I decieded to try again but instead I was just going to build a small
powered armor mech.  well many bricks and a few hours later I had a rather
successful mech (the powered armor idea went out the windw when I finished
the firs leg and decieded that it was a real good leg but too big for a
powered armor.  It is approx 9 times as tall as a a minifig)  I am 95% • happy
with the legs 50% happy with the hips/lower torso 70% happy with the upper
torso and head and I haen't built the arms yet (I ran out of bricks had to
run to brickbay to purchase more click hinges and slopes)

this is an example of at least 2 ways to get out of a rut.  the first • grows
from think small. the best way to get out of a rut is to build.  and it is
easier to start something small than something big.  second lugnet is a
great way to get inspired what ever your particular LEGO theme addition. • (or
to start a new theme addition)


John brings up a good point here - revise, revise, revise.  Rarely do I sit
down and build something that I am happy with on the first try.  Usually, I
build something that is only a bit like what I want it to be.  But then you
start fiddling with something and by reworking the model, you eventually get
to where you want to be.  This may be why I've always been hooked on Lego.
The reative process never stops.  Even when I'm done and satisfied, there is
a good chance that I'll pull some of it apart and rework it.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Top 8 ways to get out of a slump ...
(...) Ill have to try the planning out on paper thing. especially with my castle at chyste and forestmen's underground hideout. (...) great movie and I know this is off topic but the sequal ninja resurection is pretty bad. (...) think small: I've (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle,

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