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Re: Cheap sets for buildings (Was: The cost of minifigs)
Fri, 21 Apr 2000 03:33:23 GMT
1148 times
As Shiri says, 6097 is the perfect choice for castle parts these days.

It is cheap, easily available, and has a wide range of parts.  It was on
sale a while back at for only $25!  The downside of this is that
nearly every LUGNET'er has a few of these sets lying around, so don't expect
to be able to trade the extra parts for much!

The ninja sets are starting to go for 50% off too (like the red nija bridge
set).  Some of these sets are excellent choices for parts.

Another suggestion is the "big blue tub" of 1200 bricks.  This set is
usually $20, but goes on and off sale at various stores like Toy's R Us for
$15-$17.  This set contains no special pieces, but is excellent for black,
red, blue, yellow, and green (no gray - sorry) bricks.  I have bought many
of these.

Another great way to bulk up on parts cheaply is to ask your neighbors and
friends if they have old LEGO sets they want to sell.  The best target is a
person with a son/daughtor about 14-15.  These kids are right at the age
where they think they are too old too play with LEGO (about when I entered
my dark age)  Often, you can get lots of parts for about 10% or less of
their original value this way!  In fact, I was able to trade away some old
video games (of more interest to kids that age) for a LOT of LEGO (of
greater interest to me!)

Garage sales are also another potential way to bulk up, but you might have
to invest a lot of time.

Hope that helps!


Sproaticus <> wrote in message
In lugnet.castle, Brad Hamilton writes:
100$ is dirt-cheap for a LEGO building!
I've calculated that many of my buildings cost $300-$600!

Urg.  Now I'm depressed.  :-P

If you want to save money, then buy up sets at 50% discount.  You can • often
target sets with high proportions of parts you want, and then trade the • rest
for MORE parts you want.  This is much cheaper than buying each part at

Does anyone have any advice as to which sets are more cost-efficient for • raw
building-building materials?  Like, I wanna build a building with lotsa • gray
1xN bricks, some windows, a decent roof (i.e. 6xN plates, etc.), some • arches
and other architectural pieces.  I think I have enough doors...

- jsproat

Message is in Reply To:
  Cheap sets for buildings (Was: The cost of minifigs)
(...) Urg. Now I'm depressed. :-P (...) Does anyone have any advice as to which sets are more cost-efficient for raw building-building materials? Like, I wanna build a building with lotsa gray 1xN bricks, some windows, a decent roof (i.e. 6xN (...) (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to lugnet.castle,

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