Re: The cost of minifigs
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 22:25:05 GMT
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In lugnet.castle, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
> In lugnet.castle, Jeff Stembel writes:
> > Also, since your minifigs will probably be on guard duty in shifts, you can
> > limit the number of beds to equal the number of soldiers who are off duty. :)
> > The soldiers on duty certainly won't be able to use the beds... You could even
> > make it a smaller number, and have sleeping shifts, too. :)
Actually, when we were coming here, we went to the Fortress of Louisburg, in
Cape Breaton (Nova Scotia). The reinactors said that from the manning numbers,
the soldiers slept 4 to a bunk, and the bunks were about the size of a double
bed. (again, however, 1/3 of them were on duty elseware at any time, so it was
more like 2 per bed)
If you get the chance to visit Louisburg, do so. I would quite reccomend it as
being a interesting place to visit, with a lot of history behind it.
> Aye, the U.S. Navy does this with their ships to conserve space. Everyone
> shares bunks, since the bunk : sailor ratio is something like 2:3. If everyone
> gets sick, I guess those on shift get sick at their post. :-,
I don't think they do it with there _ships_, I know it is not a practice we are
allowed to do on Canadian ships. Subs are different, on them, yes, I believe
the ratio you give is about right. (according to Submarine, Tom Clancy, yep, 3
people, 2 bunks). As for on the "O" Boats, my classmates have told us many a
time that they do not hot bunk. I'd tend to believe them too...
It's a evil practice, more because of the reduction of the meger space availabe
than any other thing. One's 'cart' or 'pit' is one's home for anything up to 6
months. You live out of a locker (about as big as a normal high school locker)
and your bunk. Of course, being a stoker I am accused of never seeing daylight
during the times (all 60 days in 3 years!) that I have been at sea, but I would
catagorically deny that...once a week perhaps, but the uppers are nice to visit
LS James Powell, (Canadian Armed Forces, My views, Not my Employer's)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: The cost of minifigs
| (...) even (...) Aye, the U.S. Navy does this with their ships to conserve space. Everyone shares bunks, since the bunk : sailor ratio is something like 2:3. If everyone gets sick, I guess those on shift get sick at their post. :-, Cheers, - jsproat (25 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to lugnet.castle)
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