Re: automated rendering??? (was "Re: New White Tiger Mecha")
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 01:10:01 GMT
1148 times
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In lugnet.cad.ray, Lars C. Hassing writes:
> Bram Lambrecht wrote...
> > Speaking of rendering many files, is there a way you could edit L3P so
> > that the output files wouldn't include color definitions. I like to use
> > my own (well, actually, Anton Raves') colors, so I always have to delete
> > the color definitions from the L3P file...
> Maybe some sort of "#if not defined(Color0)" (if that's possible)
> around L3P's colors would suffice.
Thanks for wrapping the color defs like this -- but how do I take advantage of
them? For example, if I were to use Anton's color definitions, how would I
tell the L3P output file to do so?
- jsproat
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