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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 1414
1413  |  1415
Re: lgeo library
Sun, 1 Sep 2002 08:47:48 GMT
868 times
thanks that seems to be the ticket.  My renderings are getting better by the


"Ahui Herrera" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.cad.ray, Travis Kunce writes:
i don't think that i'm getting the lgeo library to work.  I check -l when • i
convert the file, and render with the with a command line for the lgeo
library, it errors at the third line below that starts #macros.  any
suggestions.  I'm just getting started with this so its probably • something
that i'm doing wrong.

Travis read the following post:

LDraw Help Desk

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: lgeo library
(...) Travis read the following post: (URL) Help Desk (23 years ago, 1-Sep-02, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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