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Sv: Sv: Changing the Rotational Axis
Sat, 12 Feb 2000 00:29:57 GMT
1880 times
I'm not critizing the part authors. Not at all. Sorry if my english could be
misunderstood. I'm grateful for the parts as anyone else.

As I wrote: I was just guessing. I have never made a part ... yet :-) I was
just pointing out, that from my point off view, rotating parts should have
0,0,0 at a logical point.

Djelle alias Mogens Sørensen
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ICQ: 38701158

Sproaticus <> skrev i en
"Mogens Sørensen" wrote:
This must be a problem directed to the partwriters, or what?. I have • never
made a part, but I think parts must have a 0,0,0 which should be at a
logical rotationpoint. But if they place 0,0,0 more or less at random, • you
have no way of knowing where the rotationpoint should be. This is just a

Be careful criticizing the parts authors when you don't know what you're
discussing.  They've put a helluva lot more thought into this than you • have.

For example, at which logical rotation point should 0,0,0 be put?  A • corner?
The centerline for a bar?  A stud?  An edge?  Which one?  Pick one from

I actully prefer the current method of putting 0,0,0 on the top surface • (note:
not "more or less at random".)  It is much more efficient for the majority • of
LEditing -- stacking bricks on top of each other.

Parts that rotates and like, should be placed in different submodels at • a
logical rotationpoint. Then the submodels is rotated correctly in MLcad.

Yes, this is currently the best solution for rotation of sub-parts, for • any of
the Lego modelling software I've used.  It offers many advantages, • including
arbitrary origin placement and easy re-use of sub-parts.

- jsproat

Jeremy H. Sproat <> ~~~

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Sv: Changing the Rotational Axis
(...) Be careful criticizing the parts authors when you don't know what you're discussing. They've put a helluva lot more thought into this than you have. For example, at which logical rotation point should 0,0,0 be put? A corner? The centerline for (...) (25 years ago, 11-Feb-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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