Re: Formalizing a method for handling synthesizable parts
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 15:59:45 GMT
559 times
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I think that for tube like devices, the constraints will be vectors that
indicate some part of the tube needs to be at this location and at this
orientation. The endpoints are like this.
This constraint mechanism works well for routing wires and pneumatic tubes,
and such. It can also be used to prevent tubes from being synthesized so that
they pass through solid parts.
The issue with these constraints is that we don't want the user to have to
specify the tube length between any two constraints.
It seems like computing and recomputing shape to match length, stiffness and
constraints is a way to figure out how much tube is between any two
constraints. Is this iterative solving?
I'd like a relatively fast algorithm, but iterative sounds like it might be a
In, Erik Olson writes:
> How about, instead of specifying an entire curve, to specify the stiffness
> of each joint and use iterative solving to arrange the elements between
> endpoints? Adding constraints with other pieces would follow after that.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Formalizing a method for handling synthesizable parts
| (...) Iterative solving requires a model and a way to compute how far it is from a desired state and a way to compute how to take a tiny step toward the desired state. You loop over tiny steps, updating the model, until either X steps are taken, the (...) (22 years ago, 16-Sep-02, to
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