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L3P and/or L3PAO
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 21:14:24 GMT
453 times
Not sure which author would be willing to do this if any?

Currenlty L3P/L3PAO when using the -sc (stepclock) function will allow a
user to render the model by the number of steps (each step = 1 image) in
your .ldr file.  This is a WONDERFUL tool but is limited to only ONE .ldr
file.  If your model is using sub-models then when using the -sc function
l3P/l3PAO will also add steps into those submodels.  The results are not wht
you would expect.  When you add steps to the submodel and then render the
mian model you either get:
a) your model say at step 5 (with ALL the submodel showing IF SUMBODEL has 5
or less steps)
b) your model say at step 5 (with ONLY those parts of submodel up to it's

You see what the problem is here?  in order to fix this I am currenlty using
1 or two methods bith require editing the pov file (no big deal but time

Method 1) Look for the submodel in the POV file and remove all the
if (clock > ##) command lines from it so that the submodel is one big object.

Method 2) Create the pov file (of the complete model with all it's subparts)
and then ADD if (clock > ##) command line to the final model code.

In either case its a pian.  Could there be away to have L3P/L3PAO have an
additional flag/switch say -scm (setpClock main model only) if which ONLY
the final model of the .ldr file gets clock command lines in it.

Ahui Herrera

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: L3P and/or L3PAO
Ahui Herrera wrote... (...) Or simply ALWAYS ONLY put stepclock in the main model ? Since L3P doesn't walk the model/part tree (POV does) it doesn't make much sense putting stepclocks in submodels. /Lars (23 years ago, 18-Jun-02, to

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