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Re: Special tools used to build/design parts?
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 12:48:39 GMT
845 times
"Kyle D. Jackson" <> wrote:

Also I read that you need to do some manual work in the .DAT file
after creating it with your utility.  Is this a lot of work?  I
am completely unfamiliar with internal details of .DAT files.
I'm wondering if it would be productive to the CAD community if
I could help by modelling parts in CAD (Pro/ENGINEER) and creating
the .DAT file, but then hand that .DAT file to someone else
who can "finish it", someone who is experienced with .DATs.

Yes, for shure.
The hand work is generally adding keywords, sometime I do only portion of the part and I add other primitives (like the
spheric primitive in Technic Liftarm 1 x 7 with 2 ball joints - 32173.dat)
Sometimes, I only modelise a portion of the part that is duplicated (like in the Supercar wheel and tyre) I then remove
the invisible triangles that are inside the complete part.

Would this be of any help?  I don't yet fully understand how
it's decided who works on which parts, and how they are "approved"
into the official libraries.

The best place for part is to post them in
The place for official submission is to email the dat files to Steve Bliss here:

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Special tools used to build/design parts?
(...) That address changed awhile ago. It's now Steve (24 years ago, 30-Dec-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Special tools used to build/design parts?
(...) Salut Marc, et merci pour ta reponse. I visited your website and read your tips about using SolidWorks. I undestand what you mean now for the primitive detection, making the objects in CAD using polygons instead of circles. That makes things a (...) (24 years ago, 23-Dec-00, to

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