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Re: Mathematical assistance please
Fri, 7 Jan 2005 00:09:37 GMT
2011 times
In, Ross Crawford wrote:
Or maybe another way to look at it (got this from old lecture notes):

Goal: rotate about arbitrary vector A by alpha Idea: we know how to rotate about X,Y,Z

So, rotate about Y by beta until A lies in the YZ plane Then rotate about X by gamma until A coincides with +Z

Then rotate about Z by alpha

Then reverse the rotation about X (by -gamma) Then reverse the rotation about Y (by -beta)

OK, here’s my VERY LAST word on the subject:

Transforming both 4-4cyls S0-S1 and vector S1-S2:
  • Rotate about Y by beta until S0-S1 lies in the YZ plane
  • Rotate about X by gamma until S0-S1 coincides with +Z
  • Rotate about Z by delta until S1-S2 lies in XZ plane
Now rotate 4-4cyls S0-S1 only about Z until the shortest side is on the XZ plane, on the same side of the Y axis as the vector S1-S2

  • Reverse the rotation about Z (by -delta)
  • Reverse the rotation about X (by -gamma)
  • Reverse the rotation about Y (by -beta)
That should get you the result you need.

Of course it can probably be optimised somewhat :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mathematical assistance please
(...) Or maybe another way to look at it (got this from old lecture notes): Goal: rotate about arbitrary vector A by alpha Idea: we know how to rotate about X,Y,Z So, rotate about Y by beta until A lies in the YZ plane Then rotate about X by gamma (...) (20 years ago, 6-Jan-05, to

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