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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 5457
5456  |  5458
Re: Wheels with/without metal axle
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 00:43:09 GMT
5410 times
In, Ross Crawford wrote:
In, Niels Karsdorp wrote:
In, Steve Bliss wrote:
In, Guy Vivan wrote:

An axle for whel must can be introduce in a Technic axle hole.
It's only possible if the diameter of axle is inferior of axlehole.
The wheel old used an axle metal don't use a corect diameter.
It's time for corect all wheel parts with a good size of axle.
And corect all elements with use an axle Ex : 7049.dat etc...

Since I don't have any of these wheels, I'll take your word that these metal
axles fit into technic cross-axle holes.

But before we go changing existing files, can we get someone to take a caliper
to one of these axles?  Just so we'll have a real-world measurement to start

I have measured several of these metal axles with a caliper from different kinds
of wheels (studded train wheel with traction teeth, studded train wheel conical
hub, spoked train wheel conical hub, spoked train wheel straight hub, studded
wheel for rubber tyre (tyre 132-old), spoked wheel for rubber tyre (tyre
132-old), large studded wheel for rubber tyre (tyre 36) and large spoked wheel
for rubber tyre (tyre 36).
All axles have a 3 mm diameter. With 1 LDU = 0.4 mm this makes the radius 7.5

If possible, can you measure the distance diagonally across the minimum radius
part of a cross axle? My guess is this problem has shown up because the concave
curve at that point of the cross axles has not been modelled in the Ldraw
primitives. It would probably add around 1.5LDU to the diameter there.

What we do about it is another matter. The metal axles definitely do fit in the
technic cross-axle holes, and that x573 part definitely looks strange with the
cylindrical section wider than the cross-axle section.

Just a suggestion, maybe the axle primitives could be changed to include a
simple 45 degree chamfer there? This would affect quite a few parts, but I doubt
there would be many that would need changing if they use the axle primitives as


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Wheels with/without metal axle
(...) If possible, can you measure the distance diagonally across the minimum radius part of a cross axle? My guess is this problem has shown up because the concave curve at that point of the cross axles has not been modelled in the Ldraw (...) (20 years ago, 29-Sep-04, to

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