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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 5451
5450  |  5452
Re: Wheels with/without metal axle
Wed, 29 Sep 2004 12:51:39 GMT
4763 times
In, Guy Vivan wrote:

Sorry if my english is not very well.

Not a big deal. As long as we're communicating, it's OK. :)

I've create Wheel Axle Metal (x568s03.dat), because size of 35b.dat is not

Please don't do that.  If there are problems in files, then let's correct the
errors (or come to agreement that they aren't actually errors).

The corect size (diameter) for this part should be 6LDU and not 8LDU.
For understand this size, see the my Technic Axle Adapter (x573.dat).

Uh, what is x573?  Is it used in some part?

An axle for whel must can be introduce in a Technic axle hole.
It's only possible if the diameter of axle is inferior of axlehole.
The wheel old used an axle metal don't use a corect diameter.
It's time for corect all wheel parts with a good size of axle.
And corect all elements with use an axle Ex : 7049.dat etc...

Since I don't have any of these wheels, I'll take your word that these metal
axles fit into technic cross-axle holes.

But before we go changing existing files, can we get someone to take a caliper
to one of these axles?  Just so we'll have a real-world measurement to start


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Wheels with/without metal axle
(...) I'll measure the axles of all these kinds of wheels tonight. I have all different wheels with these axles. Niels (20 years ago, 29-Sep-04, to
  Re: Wheels with/without metal axle
(...) I have measured several of these metal axles with a caliper from different kinds of wheels (studded train wheel with traction teeth, studded train wheel conical hub, spoked train wheel conical hub, spoked train wheel straight hub, studded (...) (20 years ago, 29-Sep-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Wheels with/without metal axle
(...) Hi All, Sorry if my english is not very well. I've create Wheel Axle Metal (x568s03.dat), because size of 35b.dat is not good. The corect size (diameter) for this part should be 6LDU and not 8LDU. For understand this size, see the my Technic (...) (20 years ago, 29-Sep-04, to

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