Thought experiment was very convincing.
I'll redo the part so that the axis of rotation is around the x axis (I'll
check the orientation of 30044 first to make sure the axis is correct).
This way you'll only have to move the part in the y direction to line it up
with the window frame.
Steve Bliss <blisses@worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 07:04:52 GMT, "Adam Howard" <abhoward10@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I disagree. There are a number of pieces (just about all) that need to be
> > rotated one way or another to achieve the look you want. The design of xxxx
> > just takes into account the rotational axis as an aid in positioning the
> > part (using the a key). If it is a major pain for you to position this part
> > each time you want to use it you can always orient it how you want it lined
> > up with the arch frame 30044 and save them as a dat file to use when you
> > want too.
> >
> > I'm not trying to be argumentative on this subject. When I authored the
> > part I was just following standard rules (rotating parts should be designed
> > around their rotational axes to make use of the a key regardless of how it
> > positions the part when it loads into ledit).
> Hmm. That's not *exactly* the intended guideline. Rotatable parts should
> be positioned so the axis of rotation lies on one of the major axes. That
> way, the part can be easily rotated to any angle.
> > Now that I think about this issue a little more, I know that I can orient
> > the part to fit with the window frame, but it would still be offset from the
> > frame because one of the axes (x?) would still be through the rotational
> > axis of the part. However, when you press the a key the part would not
> > rotate around its rotational axis and you would need to rotate it using
> > ledit's turn function. I just can't see the benefit. Either way you would
> > still have to move the part to line up with the window frame, it's just that
> > one way allows you to use the a key in the standard tradition and the other
> > doesn't.
> But the A key function is only useful if you happen to want to rotate the
> window by 90 degrees. And the usefulness of the A key is offset by the
> need to always (ok, not 'always', but in 99.9%+ of the cases) re-rotate the
> window into the 'correct' orientation.
> > Thank you for you comments:)
> > I still think I should leave it the way it is though.
> Thought experiment: there are three users (or the same person needs to do
> three different things with the window). Person A wants to rotate the
> window exactly 90 degrees. Person B wants to rotate the window, but at
> some angle other than 90. And person C just wants to put the window in the
> frame, so the plastic customers in his Italian restaurant don't get a
> chill.
> In the part's current position, how many steps does each of these people go
> through to put the part in the frame?
> Person A hits the A key one (or three) times, then rotates 90 on X, and
> rotates 90 on Y, then repositions on Y.
> Person B rotates on Y to their desired angle, then rotates 90 on X, and
> rotates 90 on Y, then repositions on Y.
> Person C rotates 90 on X, and rotates 90 on Y, then repositions on Y.
> What if the part was changed to the other extreme, so it fits in the window
> frame by default?
> Persons A and B go through similar operations: reposition the window on Y,
> so the axis of rotation lies on the X axis. Then they rotate on X to open
> the window, and reposition on Y (the other direction this time).
> Person C does nothing, because the part is already where she needs it.
> Finally, what if the part is oriented upright, with the axis of rotation
> lying on the X-axis?
> Person A and B both rotate the window around X, and relocate on Y.
> Person C relocates on Y.
> So, which positioning approach results in the least amount of difficulty
> for users overall?
> Steve
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