> I realize that primitives which are sized to 1LDU are easier to use, but a
> set of primitives which don't all use the same sizing are *harder* to use
> overall, because the author has to remember which sizing to use for which
> primitives.
> Steve
You're right about that, but if you look at the primitives not all are based
on a 2x2x2 cube, some are based on a 2x1x2 cube, or a 1x1x2 cube(maybe).
Not to mention some have top and side faces, missing lines on two sides,
ect. To use them logically you still have to look at the primitive before
using it (unless it's one you use a lot). The naming conventions are not
very clear, but supposedly you should be able to look at the name and
determine the primitives configuration.
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