On Wed, 28 Jul 1999 17:20:11 GMT, "Adam Howard" <abhoward10@hotmail.com>
> > > The new primitive seems ok, too. Very unusual that it starts from the center and
> > > goes from -0.5 to 0.5 in all directions. I don't know if I like it, but I can
> > > surely live with it.
> >
> > I think the box should conform to the same geometry as the other box*
> > primitives -- it should range from -1 to +1, not -.5 to +.5.
> The way this primitive is designed saves time for the part author (not a
> whole lot, but some). Once you have the dimensions you want you just plug
> those in directly without having to divide them by two. When you use a
> primitive that goes from -1 to +1 you actually have a 2LD unit primitive,
> but when you use a primitive that goes from -.5 to .5 you have a 1LD unit
> primitive. Another way to do it would be to start at 0 and go to 1, but I
> like putting 0 at the center of the primitive better.
I realize that primitives which are sized to 1LDU are easier to use, but a
set of primitives which don't all use the same sizing are *harder* to use
overall, because the author has to remember which sizing to use for which
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