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 Building / Mecha / 9447
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Re: More Poses, Construction Pics too
Sun, 22 Jun 2003 09:27:42 GMT
25 times
In lugnet.castle, Eric Sophie wrote:
   In lugnet.castle, Anthony Sava wrote:
   Wondering where all the pics went?

They’re here, with all new poses and inner working pictures.



Mr Sava, I am humbled and bedazzled all at the same time. I am so glad there is a person like you creating these Dragons. Not only is your desire to learn honest, but I see you having so much fun doing so. This newest creation will surely add to your Kingdom and bring you to new heights. Or is it wing spans?

You flatter me too much. Comming from you it’s a true compliment. However, I have a feeling this is as big as I’m going to be building, so my kingdom will have to get comfortable with it’s new glass ceiling ;)

   The Wings!

I’m surprised at how many people liked the wings, with them being non-lego and all.

   The Beefy Body Design!

The Head!

The Tail!

The mulitude of Worm Gears!

The Colors!

You have a nice house! : )

Heh.. my Mom says Thanks!
The Web Page is really good. I like how you kept all the progress pictures to help explain the construction. Just brilliant.

Mind numbing work to make all those thumbnails. And now I’m told I didn’t have to do any of it manually. D’oh.
What a beast the Storm Bringer is.

Congrats on your triumph.

Look forward to seeing it IRL.

Eric Sophie

Thanks much! Brickfest is going to be such a trip for me! I’m so excited about it! If it weren’t so late I’d let out a scream of giddyness.

Oh, just so you know, I’m putting my foot down. Jama can’t have any dragon back rides. :)

And thanks for the reply!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: More Poses, Construction Pics too
(...) Mr Sava, I am humbled and bedazzled all at the same time. I am so glad there is a person like you creating these Dragons. Not only is your desire to learn honest, but I see you having so much fun doing so. This newest creation will surely add (...) (21 years ago, 21-Jun-03, to lugnet.castle,, FTX)

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